Translator ^^

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Entry 14


Everyone leaves Jem's room, and Scout finally meeting Boo she comes to a conclusion that he is everything that she dreamed he be (can we please talk about how she is starting to sound creepy!?) They all go outside and the Sheriff tells Atticus that Jem did NOT murder Mr. Ewell. He knows who did it, Arthur Radley. But Heck says that he believes its a sin to put Arthur into the spotlight when he's just doing what a neighbor does and he's shy and all. Scout goes on to tell Atticus that putting Boo in jail is like killing a mocking bird. Attitcus thanks Boo for saving his children and Arthur asks for Scout to walk him home, and so she does...and he never sees him again.

Scout, Atticus, Heck Tate, Dr Reynold

Falling action/ Resolution

Theme: Don't Judge Someone Until You've Walked Around In Their Skin

Entry 13

It's Halloween and Scout claims this would be their longest journey, Jem ends up going to the Halloween party and play at the school with Scout but soon leaves her with Cecil. Scout and Cecil have about 60 cents and they spend it on games (not on the apple bobbing because its unsanitary) soon the play starts and they rush to the stage. Scout falls asleep when she is called up and goes up on stage late. She becomes embarrassed for the rest of the evening and Jem leaves with her later. When walking home they are jumped. Jem received a broken arm and a cracked rib. When the Doctor and Sheriff arrive Scout is interrogated. She tells them what she knows and points to Boo Radley- the man who saved her.

Dixie is a famous song about the south and is a symbol of pride for them

New Characters:
Doctor Reynolds

Friday, May 8, 2015

Entry 11

Scout is annoyed by the fact that Jem hasn't gotten out of his puberty stage, he wouldn't let her kill a bug. Dill and Jem were walking on the highway one night and stopped Atticus and Calpurnia who past them and got in their car. They stopped at the Negros cabin to talk to Helen and bring her the news of her husbands death. Helen faints and Atticus and Calpurnia hep her inside. Later, Mr. Underwood writes a editorial about how wrong the death of Tom was...he compared it to killing a mockingbird, a sin. Mr. Ewell told Ms. Crawford, "One down, two to go." Jem tells Scout but tells her NOT to tell Atticus or else he won't talk to her.

Helen Robinson, Mr.Underwood

THEME- Sin to kill stuff that doesn't to anything to bother you

Entry 11

The children were very concerned about Atticus about the threats he received from Robert Ewell, they suggested he carry a gun or some form of protection, but Atticus refused the notion. Robert was "just venting" and if he choice to beat up him over hitting Mayella, then that was fine by Atticus. Jem is still confused about the trial and why it ended the way it did, Tom was supposed to by freed, his father was so close to winning. Atticus tried to comfort him by saying that nothing was going to be done with Tom until later in the year, after to goes to the state court. Also that one person didn't find him guilty, a Cunningham. Scout finally started to understand something about Boo Radley, that he WANTS to stay inside, away from the prejudice and everything.
In now September, and Dill leaves tomorrow, so Jem decided it was time for him to learn how to swim. But since they would be swimming naked, Scout had to stay home. She instead spent time and the Missionary Society meeting with numerous other women around the neighborhood. At the get-to-together, Atticus comes home early, requesting Calpurnia in the kitchen. Tom was dead. He "tried to escape" to prison and after being shouted out to stop, the guards shot him seventeen times. Atticus wanted Calpurnia to go with him to tell Helen (Tom's wife) of the news. Aunt Alexandra, Miss Maudie, and Scout all hear everything and after a brief moment of silence and recovery, they returned to the party as if nothing had happened, no terrible news was told.

Character :

Stephanie, Mrs. Merriweather and Mrs. Farrow

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Entry 10?

They all walked home, Jem crying and saying how it just wasn't right. Calpurnia points out that in life there are always people who are born to do the bad things. Atticus goes to the sleep and so do the children; in the morning Atticus and the children, along with Calpurnia, find that the fellow Negroes of the town had gave them lots of food as a appreciation to what Atticus did for Tom. Atticus tells Calpurnia to take tell everybody thank you and its gladly accepted but not to do such a thing again, they are living in hard times. Pointing out the night before, that only children weep. Miss Mauldie invited the kids over for cake and Mr. Avery comes to and tells them the news. Mr. Ewell spat in Atticus's face and said," He get him if it took the rest of his life."

Allusions : "to be good Christians" could be means as do what the cross would do...take up whats right

Entry 9 or something

Tom Robinson is brought to the witness stand, Atticus tells Tom to tell his story. Tom never raped the poor girl, he felt bad for her; being the only one in the house who worked, not even the children helped. He said that she call him in to do some tidying around the house for her, and he would gladly do it without the need of coin as a reward. One night, Mayella invited him in and jumped him, saying her kisses from her Daddy don't count as she might as well kiss a color man. Tom ran out the window not wanting to get into any trouble with the white folk, who would believe a black man over white? Dill feels sick and starts to cry so Scout takes him outside where they run into Dolphus Raymond. They learn he's been pretending to be drunk so other people feel better and that he basically enjoys it. The kids go back inside to hear about the results. They see Atticus stripping down some of his clothes(jacket, watch, and tie) which shock the kids. Toward 11 at night, the verdict comes down to "Guilty" in which was to be seen since you can't put a black man words to a white mans and expect to win.

Alluision: "all men are created equal"line that is in the declaration of independence, written by Thomas Jefferson

Characters: Dolphus Raymond

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Entry 7 & 8?

The chapter begins with the court room case, Mr Gilmer, the prosecutor who calls the sheriff to the stand. So they recover the story:  Robert Ewell gets the sheriff, they both rush over to Mayella, see she's been beat up, and arrest Tom Robinson. End of that, Mr. Ewell comes up to the stand, after Atticus asks persistently why the sheriff didn't call a doctor, so they recover Robert's side of the story: hears screams, goes to the house, sees Tom Robinson on Mayella, Tom runs, Robert chases him but then goes back to the aid of his daughter. Atticus in return asked why no doctor? And even upsets Mr. Gilmer for asking Mr. Ewell if he can write. We discover Mr. Ewell and write with both hands but his domanite hand is left, and Mayella's body is bruised from the right side. This added up, Mr. Ewell could have done it just as easily, Tom couldn't have easily done it for his left hand is...injured from a series of unkindly events with a cotton gin. Mayella is called up next to the stand and her story doesn't add up in a few places. Atticus tries to dig up the truth from her tearing apart her story to see if she would slip even more. The next witness is called to the stands, the remaining witness: Tom Robinson.

Robert E. Lee was the general in charge of the Confederate army.
cotton gin was created by Eli Whitney