Translator ^^

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Entry 14


Everyone leaves Jem's room, and Scout finally meeting Boo she comes to a conclusion that he is everything that she dreamed he be (can we please talk about how she is starting to sound creepy!?) They all go outside and the Sheriff tells Atticus that Jem did NOT murder Mr. Ewell. He knows who did it, Arthur Radley. But Heck says that he believes its a sin to put Arthur into the spotlight when he's just doing what a neighbor does and he's shy and all. Scout goes on to tell Atticus that putting Boo in jail is like killing a mocking bird. Attitcus thanks Boo for saving his children and Arthur asks for Scout to walk him home, and so she does...and he never sees him again.

Scout, Atticus, Heck Tate, Dr Reynold

Falling action/ Resolution

Theme: Don't Judge Someone Until You've Walked Around In Their Skin

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